Information to Employer
Benefits of Employing Apprentices

Can provide a team of loyal, stable and reliable skilled workforce for the company which will be indispensable for the long-term development of the company. Also, support from the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Office of the Director of Apprenticeship.
Employers must employ the apprentice on a full-time and full-pay basis in accordance with the Apprenticeship Ordinance and relevant Employment Ordinance provisions. Also, the employers must:
- have sufficient machinery, equipment and material in the trade for training apprentices;
- have sufficient and suitable skilled persons to instruct the apprentice to learn the required skills in the trade;
- pay the fees of the relevant vocational course and the time spent in attending the course during normal hours of employment by the apprentice is fully paid.
Condition of Employment and Duration
The normal period of apprenticeship training is 4 years; however, if the apprentice possesses skills and/or prior working experiences, the training period can be reduced (Training Period at 2-4 years).
Training Subsidy
Employers can apply for training subsidy under the ‘Project for Tradesman Traineeship’, a collaboration between the Youth Employment and Training Programme of the Labour Department and the Office of the Director of Apprenticeship of the Vocational Training Council.
YETP - Information for employer
Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship
If a registered apprentice completes the apprenticeship training, the registered apprentice is eligible to get the Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship countersigned by the Director of Apprenticeship.
- Certificate with "Gold Seal": Completed on-the-job training and satisfactorily completed the required theoretical course;
- Certificate with "Silver Seal": Completed on-the-job training and partially completed the required theoretical course;
- Certificate with "Red Seal": Completed on-the-job training only.
Our Support
- The Office of the Director of Apprenticeship will register the contracts of apprenticeship in accordance with the Apprenticeship Ordinance for the benefit of employers and apprentices.
- The inspectors of the Office of the Director of Apprenticeship will pay regular visits to ensure the training facilities of the employer are in place, and the registered apprentice’s training is in good progress. Also, the inspectors will conciliate disputes between employer and apprentice when necessary.
Guide to the Apprenticeship Ordinance and the Apprenticeship Regulations