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I want to be an Apprentice

Leading Edge of Apprenticeship

Earn While You Learn

  • with stable income and gaining valuable practical experience
  • fees paid by employer to attend relevant vocational courses
  • comprehensive career guidance, support and learning progress evaluation




Rest Assured

A contract of apprenticeship registered in the Office of the Director of Apprenticeship protects the rights of employers and apprentices.



With Support

The inspectors of the Office of the Director of Apprenticeship will provide support whenever necessary.



With Prospect

Apprentice who has satisfactorily completed the training will

  • acquire the skills of a trade
  • be issued a Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship
  • possess skills of the trade and relevant academic qualification/ professional qualification/ license of the trade
  • possess academic qualification for further studies (e.g. degree courses)
  • acquire working experience
  • qualify as master of the trade
  • increase competiveness